
More than a Mausoleum the Memorial stands as a testament to the triumphs of Thomas foster a local boy who went to the city and found his fortune. He was a MP & Mayor of Toronto and left several legacies. It is an unique artistic treasure hidden in the rural Uxbridge Country Side. The memorial is inspired by the Taj Mahal mixed with Byzantine Architecture, with solid bronze doors, stain glass windows hand painted and fired. The floors are rich coloured terrazzo and marble mosaics wrought in symbolic designs fashioned by some of the finest artisans of the time

Fundraisers for the Foster

If you would like more info on our special program of adopting a chair in memory of a loved one or family name. The sale of plaques on the chairs is going well and there is a limited number to be sold.

 Imemory of a family member or family name plaque
Call 905-640-3966 or beverlynortheast@gmail.com
For more information about this special program

The Jewel on the Hill
The first & only book written about the Foster
Beautifully Illustrated work of Art
Perfect gift for that special person
Special Price 
CD of Handel Sonatas
Flute & Cello
Recorded at the Foster by
James Warburton
Special Price